Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Don't go!

Can you see the wonderfully overcast morning?
I love leaving my windows open and letting the fresh air and sunlight in.
Oh beautiful, perfect weather don't go.  Stay forever.  I will miss you so much.
I am spending today outside, unless it starts to get to hot.


Stephanie Aurora Clark Nielson said...

i was a little disappointed when the sun came out. why didn't we feed the horses today? so much better...truthfully, i was a little hot yesterday....keep thinking about the mini...can i drive it again? ask spence.

☂niki. said...

today really was a beautiful day! i love leaving my windows open too. infact, it's the only way my house stays cool, seeing how we don't have AC!!

mandi said...

thats funny, it was like that here to. I was thinking if i posted a blog about things i love most, it would be, overcast days with the windows open. thats the truth i wes really thinking that

Emily said...

Wow I have not been on top of things lately! You have been awesome keeping your blog updated. I'm a huge slacker! It was the most beautiful day today. I even got a little cold!

Emily said...

Hey come over anytime! I want to drive the mini, too!

diana said...

i wore a jacket on our afternoon walk yesterday and it was so nice to get to use it again. too bad it won't last long.

Anonymous said...

Forget the beautiful weather, with beautiful window treatments like that, you don't have to have a reason to stare at them!!!