Monday, April 7, 2008

It's so great to be a kid

It's so great to be a kid, because it is so easy to find your perfect shade of lipstick.

We had such a great weekend.   I just love conference weekend.  I feel so spiritually uplifted.  So many wonderful talks to make this Monday really easy to get going.


☂niki. said...

ha ha ha ha ha (that's me laughing) that's awesome!!! i love it!! that's my favorite shade of lipstick too! she is so cute!

Anonymous said...

SO Cute! And missed you at Bunko!
(And thanks for the complement!)

onehm said...

Hilarious photo and you are so witty! I love your Monday posts!

Cicily said...

Pictures look great. Nice artsy lighting, fancy pants. Please take me thrifting with you.

mandi said...

avrey is so beautiful and full of life, I wish I had half of her personality. Love you guys

diana said...

am i a bad mom because the moment ava gets near lipstick i come running to take it away before she makes a mess? chapstick i can handle... pink goopy mess, i can't. i need to let it go, don't i?

Mimi said...

darling little avery!