Friday, December 12, 2008

Why haven't I learned?!

I seem to stress myself out every year around Christmas time, why oh why don't I get started sooner?!  Busy busy around here, but I do have some fun things to show you that I have made, hopefully I will get around to it soon.


Barbie said...

It is not in our female DNA to learn about this particular problem. You are not alone!

sarah said...

oh, i know your pain. and having one less week between thanksgiving and christmas this year doesn't help.

we'll get through it. somehow.

Jo Dee said...

Take a deep breath and enjoy it. Even though this time of the year is busy, remember its only once a year and all the preparations are always worth it. Remember who youre doing it all for and it will bring ou more joy!

Suz said...

girlfriend... it isn't the season silly wabbit... it was the progressive dinner! hahaha... and I meant to call you and ask you if I could give you a labotomy for so kindly accepting the invitation to host half the ward for dinner, but then I remembered that you are a gajillion times kinder than me and so I decided to just try to be more like you! Now it looks like you are trying to be like me... all stressed out! I can only dream of the creations you have fashioned... For MS. Jone's I expect nothing but Astonishing! So please post quickly so that I can peek into your lovely life. shall we try for Choc. cake to relieve some of your stress? And 007!

Cicily said...

I'm so excited to see your creations.

☂niki. said...

its just not the way we crums do things. that's why.

Hobbie said...

This month is going by at warp speed! what the heck, I think that "they" should make the month of december about 10-15 days longer, so i wouldn't feel so overwhelmingly busy.
It was soooo good to see you on weds., i hope you didn't mind us just dropping in on the family like that, but I missed you and couldn't wait any longer:)
I can't wait to see your creations, get em' up here!!:)
Let's get together for Christmas lights, or cookies or something Christmassy(?).