Monday, January 12, 2009

It's Great to be a kid

Livvy was telling me we should just pick up and go to Disneyland, I told her "Oh honey it costs a lot of money to go to Disneyland"  She said "I know we can just turn in our old gold jewelery and get some money!"  I told her that was a great idea but I don't have any gold jewelery, so when we stopped by a garage sale a few days later she saw a gold chain and told me I could send that in.  I sure wish it was that easy!  

And apparently Livvy watches too much TV.


Formerly known as Frau said...

Out of the mouths of babes! Don't you wish everything was that easy. Even my 14 year old doesn't get it she thinks the answer is an ATM machine.

Alexa Mae said...

she is just too cute and creative! she's one smart girl, and she may be on to something. gold does equal money. or you could sell me a bunch of cute dresses and you would have plenty of money. wink!

☂niki. said...

liv is always a riot! i just love her.

as for your sewing skills in the last post...MARVELOUS! honestly. you are so, so talented! and your girls are so beautiful. i can't think of a better pair-beautiful girls in beautiful cloths. and the fact that you come up with it...i just can't express how great it all is.

Kristy Treible said...

I just love the mouths of babes!The dresses are so adorable! You have such a talent!

Cicily said...

That is frickin awesome. I remember always telling my mom to write a check if she said we didn't have the money.

Hobbie said...

That's funny!
Chase's response when I tell him I don't have the money is "lets just go to the bank" or "why don't we use ALL the change in your piggy bank" answer is "because the money in my piggy bank equals about $9.26, it just seems like alot becaus it is all in penny's"....... to which I get a blank stare in return.
How nice it was to be so innocent about money & expenses and all that junk:)
I want to go to Disneyland too, someday in the next year(hopefully).
Also, if you go on one of your Birthday's , that person gets in FREE!
I want to hang out!!!

Jo Dee said...

Isnt going to Disneyland at the drop of a hat every persons dream? I know its mine!
One day Kate walked through the room singing Nationwide is on your side, I knew she was watching too much tv.

Gail said...

That is so cute! I know just how she feels:) BTW your creations for your girls and for your christmas clothes are amazing! I looove the red print fabric clever and resourceful! You have such great style!

Tara said...

Your girls are the cutest. Loving your handi work in the last post. You are so talented.

diana said...

hah! that's awesome.

yes, i taught the same lesson, we should totally collaborate and pick each other's brains next time.

Michelle said...

I definitely laughed at this post because I hate that commercial. Kids really are the greatest. Your girls are so adorable! Your sewing definitely made me want to sew, you did such an amazing job on the dresses.

Suz said...

I'd like to donate some jewelry to the cause... In 2009 the birthday soul gets into the park for free... So I bet I have enough plastic jewelry to buy you a churro while your there.... maybe.

Bungalow Mama said...

How funny! My little ones mentioned that selling of the gold stuff too!! How silly It's amazing what they think! One time when Peyton was tiny he said to just go to the river to get money!! ("Go to the river, Gila River casino!!")Ha Ha pretty catchy huh?!!

Lucille Jarvis said...

Lindsay Lu, you inspire me! How blessed I am to be related to such incredible people. A great feeling to know we have some of the same blood running through our veins...
Love your blog, love that we are so much alike........ Love Auntie Lu

Emily said...

You spelled his name right. Yes I'm still going to his office. And Dung did get a suit when we went and someone bought him another one a couple days ago. It seems like we haven't seen you guys in forever! How's it going? We need to get together soon! Livvy is so funny!