Thursday, March 26, 2009

Growing up!

Well my girlie lost her first tooth!!  I can't believe she is growing up!  After a bit of drama last night, it came out with a bite on an apple this morning.  She is so excited to get a little spending money for Disneyland, because thats where we're headed this weekend!  I heard her singing this morning "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, so I can get married!"  Pretty cute!


Alli said...

hahahah YES!!! It finally came out! I hope she wasn't traumatized from me. I felt really bad. She is too cute!!

Cass and Natalia said...

YAY! Congrats Livy, that's always fun to have a visit from the tooth Fairy! Hope you hav so much fun at disnleyland woo hoo!

Barbie said...

What a great time. Have fun at Disneyland. We will miss you.

Eliza said...

Oooooh losing your first tooth is soooo much fun. It's like the most exciting day of a child's life! I know Owen is getting anxious to lost his first tooth, it may be a while though...

☂niki. said...

cute is an understatement!

Unknown said...

I remember your mom being the best tooth puller I know. I bet she still is! We just got back from Disneyland ourselves. We went there on Friday. Were you guys there on Friday too?

Jill said...

I cant believe it! That is so cool! I have to show Sam. I am not ready for this loosing tooth stuff! That means they are growing into big kids. awwwwww

Micah and Jen said...

Isn't it so crazy that our little ones are so big already? She is adorable! :)

Full House said...

Um hi you can come over especially if you could come over & give me some decorating advice.

Remind me to tell you about the other night when I had to come knock on your door because I thought some guy was trying to get us.

Are you still going to to the music thing over @Debbie Huish's house?

Todd and Jacy Skouson said...

WOW! I can't believe it. Everyone is growing up. Livvy is losing teeth and Easton is getting teeth. She is so adorable. love ya