Monday, March 9, 2009


Since spring seems to only last for a brief amount of time here in Mesa, we have to take full advantage!  I am feeling the need to do some spring cleaning.  I just wanted to get some opinions on a sale.  Would you attend perhaps a smaller version of our Vintage Junque Fair


mandi said...

I would like to come,save some stuff for me

Tara said...

Just tell me when and where!

Kiz said...

I was just asking Dawnell (sp?) when you girls were going to do your sale again! Please do - please!

Cicily said...

I will be there. The word verifications on your blog are out of control, by the way. I just typed out an 11 letter jumble, fareak!!

Emily said...


Kristy Treible said...

Most definately! I hope it is very soon! Can't wait!

Unknown said...

Count me in.

Maren said...

Of course!

diana said...

absolutely not.

Kelsie said...

count me in

Cass and Natalia said...

me too! :)

The Tyler's said...

Yup..I'd love it.

Bungalow Mama said...

I dare you to ask the land lady?!! he he he!

Bungalow Mama said...

Ok, I'm in!! When and Where, What and How!! This is going to fun!!

Micah and Jen said...

I wish I could have the cutest stuff!!! Anyone who does go will be very lucky! :) And I love this picture of your flowers....I always remember your beautiful flowers....whenever I walked by your house it was like I wasn't in Arizona anymore! Good luck!

Lucille Jarvis said...

huh, what? just the most fabulous sale of sales of all time. you go namesake!!!!!!!

Kristy Treible said...

Linds- I am on the look out for "vintage baseball" stuff for the babies room so please let me know if you have any great ideas. I need all the help I can get. I reaaly need a shelf to hang on the wall to hold baseball glove and stuff so if you have or see anything let me know please!!! Thanks.

Jami said...

I would totally come...I will start to save now

Luke & Shawnie said...

I want to come!

Heather said...

count me in! last years was great!